Automobile accidents can happen anytime anywhere, usually as a result of someone's negligence. Often a personal injury that results from an automobile accident causes you the victim
a hardship as you spend your valuable time and energy recovering from the pain and suffering of that injury. To add insult to injury, insurance companies are reluctant to acknowledge the seriousness
of your injury. This is when you need to hire a skilled personal injury attorney to represent you against that insurance company to recover the compensation that you deserve for your pain and
If you or a loved one have suffered a serious injury or death as a result of an automobile accident you need to contact us to speak to a skilled personal injury attorney.
Property owners, landlords and business owners are responsible for maintaining safe conditions on the property that they own or control. If you or a loved one have suffered a personal injury as a result of a slip and fall accident or a dangerous condition on someone's property; at someone's home or on the premises of a business, you need to contact us to speak to a skilled personal injury attorney.
Defective products are responsible for injuries to thousands of people every year for which manufacturers and retailers must be held liable. If you or a loved one have been injured as a result of a product that was faulty or defective, you need a skilled personal injury attorney to help you recover the compensation that you deserve.
Do you have questions or do you want to make an appointment in this area?
Call us at +1 215 7353377 or use our contact form.
The Parrish Law Firm
A Pennsylvania and New Jersey Law Firm
(215) 735-3377
By Appointment Only